Find Out The Surprising Secrets of Great Cell Phone Offers
Released on = July 20, 2006, 7:00 am
Press Release Author = Cell Phones Extra
Industry = Telecommunications
Press Release Summary = A newly launched web service that delivers over and beyond to save you valuable time and money which ensure\'s satisfaction and solutions to your communication needs.
Press Release Body = To say cell phone use has grown dramatically in the United States over the past twenty years would be
an understatement. Looking around, one wonders how we managed our daily affairs without one. We
have seen the evolution from the \"brick-like\" cell phones of the mid 1980\'s to today\'s phone with all the
features that are available. The explosion of the cell phone and the continual developmental progress of
these devices may help the pay phone find a spot in the Smithsonian Institute.
Along with the advancing technology of cell phones comes trying to figure out what phone, features,
plans, etc. which best fits the users needs. With the launch of, you will not only
discover the solutions to these issues, but the visitor will be introduced to the numerous resources
ranging from phones to the newest and latest flavor of the month.
The information provides is unbiased and provided for free so that people can
make an informed decision when deciding to buy a cell phone and accessories. This helpful website has
done all the work for you to save you time and money. \"Remember, that time is money\" - Benjamin
All cell phones are not equal and niether are all plans suited to fit your needs. Take the guess work out.
Find solutions whether considering a phone for yourself or other family members. Discover rebate
opportunities, take advantage of rollover minutes and specials that are offered including free phones,
solutions to problems with your current phone, easy upgrades that will save aggravation and money,
and more...
Having a cell phone is not a luxury, having a dependable phone with a plan that works is a necessity that
will alleviate the worry and frustration in knowing you can contact and be contacted with reliability.
More information go to: for all your communication needs.
Web Site =
Contact Details = Norman Hem||7333 Miami Lakes Dr. #588||Miami , 33014||$$country||||305-558-1150||||
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